If you ask a random passer-by about a specialist in eye protection, they will most likely indicate an ophthalmologist. However, optometrists also belong to this group. The basic tasks in optometry are to protect and support the vision process. From year to year, we can meet more and more qualified specialists in clinics, ophthalmology clinics, vision therapy rooms and optical salons. The main calling of optometrists is to carry out specialized examinations, thanks to which the health condition of the patients' eyes is established, as well as the precise diagnosis of defects and the treatment process.
Unfortunately, specialist knowledge, instead of being used to help those most in need, comes down to diagnosing simple visual impairments and performing other duties depending on the workplace. Optometrists in optical salons are often also sales assistants and customer advisors.
As a result, people with complex defects who require specialists’ help are waiting in long lines for visits.
FEYENALLY together with a group of the best specialists in this field decided to solve this problem. After long discussions and analyzes, we came to the conclusion that if, using technology, we are able to relieve optometrists in carrying out the most common eye defects, and additionally support them in monitoring their progress and eye therapy, we will help many people to increase the comfort of life. In this way, we started working on the digitalOCULIST application, about which you will hear more soon from us.